Family Law

At Hermanos Busto, we understand how delicate and emotionally challenging it can be to deal with legal matters related to the family. Our team of family law specialists is here to provide you with the support and guidance needed to resolve any legal issues that may arise within your family.

Comprehensive and personalized attention

En Hermanos Busto, comprendemos la sensibilidad y la complejidad que conllevan los asuntos relacionados con el derecho de familia. Entendemos que estas situaciones pueden ser emocionalmente desafiantes y requieren un enfoque compasivo y experto para lograr soluciones efectivas. Nuestro equipo de abogados especializados en derecho de familia está aquí para brindarle el apoyo y la representación legal que necesita durante estos momentos difíciles.


All services

Our family law services cover a wide range of issues, from divorces and legal separations to child custody, alimony, adoptions, and cases of domestic violence. We acknowledge that each family situation is unique and requires a personalized approach. Therefore, we work closely with our clients to understand their specific needs and concerns, developing legal strategies tailored to their individual circumstances.


Divorce and legal separation

In cases of divorce and legal separation, we strive to achieve fair and equitable agreements that protect our clients' interests and, when necessary, represent them in court proceedings to ensure that their rights are respected.


Child custody

Child custody is one of the most sensitive and emotional aspects of family law. At Hermanos Busto, we understand that determining child custody is a process that can generate uncertainty and anxiety for all involved parties. Our team of family law attorneys is here to provide you with the support and guidance needed to resolve these matters in the fairest and most equitable manner possible.

Our approach in child custody cases focuses on the child's well-being. We strive to find solutions that promote their emotional stability and healthy development. We work closely with our clients to understand their concerns and priorities, and we develop legal strategies that reflect the best interests of the child.


Domestic violence

At Hermanos Busto, we understand the complexity and sensitivity of domestic violence cases and are committed to providing support and legal representation to victims facing this situation.

Our team of domestic violence attorneys is trained to assist victims in obtaining protection orders, securing their safety, and seeking justice against their abusers. We understand that victims of domestic violence may feel trapped in dangerous situations and need urgent legal help to protect themselves and their loved ones.

We take all cases of domestic violence very seriously and work tirelessly to provide a supportive and understanding environment for our clients. Our goal is to ensure that victims feel safe and empowered to take the necessary legal steps to protect themselves and seek justice.

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help and provide you with the expert legal representation you need to escape a violent situation and begin rebuilding your life.


Adoption and guardianship

Adoption and guardianship are significant legal processes that can change lives and provide new opportunities for children in need of care and protection. At Hermanos Busto, we understand the importance and sensitivity of these processes and are committed to guiding families through them with compassion and legal expertise.

Our team of adoption and guardianship attorneys is dedicated to helping families understand the legal requirements, steps involved, and rights and responsibilities associated with these processes. Whether you are considering adopting a child, becoming a guardian of a relative, or adopting an adult, we are here to provide you with the support and guidance needed to make informed decisions.

We understand that these processes can be emotionally challenging, and we are here to provide a supportive and understanding environment for our client families. We are committed to working closely with you to ensure that your interests and the best interests of the child are protected at all times.

If you are considering adoption or guardianship, or if you need legal assistance at any stage of the process, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you navigate these important legal processes and provide you with the expert legal representation you need to build and protect your family.


Contact us

At Hermanos Busto, we are committed to providing the highest quality legal service in family law matters. Our goal is to help our clients navigate these legal challenges with as little stress as possible, while tirelessly working to protect their rights and achieve positive outcomes.

No matter how complex your family situation may be, you can rely on our team to provide you with the support and guidance you need. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and start addressing your legal concerns in family law.

You can send us an email from our contact section or call us at the phone number(+34) 985 56 36 57.

We will be happy to help you.

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